The Swiss Society for Music Medicine (SMM) deals with occupational disorders in musicians and their therapy. It has specialists in medicine, psychology, therapy and music education and takes an interdisciplinary approach. The SMM serves as a nationwide contact and advice center for musicians' medicine and maintains national and international contacts.
More and more frequently, musicians are restricted in their ability to play or are even unable to work because they have a specific health problem.
Symptomatic therapies often only lead to a short-term improvement or even worsen the symptoms. It is important that the causes are recognized. And this is precisely what the Swiss Society for Music Medicine (SMM) is committed to.

Our goal:
To work with selected medical, psychological and therapeutic specialists who have experience in the field of music medicine and musical knowledge.
Good interdisciplinary cooperation between the specialist disciplines so that the human being can be understood as a whole.

Are you looking for advice on therapy or membership? Please contact our

Advice center for musicians' medicine
Marjan Steenbeek
Music physiotherapist


Wolfgang Böhler

Tirza Vogel
Monbijoustrasse 73
3007 Berne
Phone: + 41 (0) 32 636 17 71