National Health Day Music

On 9 November 2024, Swissmedmusica is organizing a National Music Health Day in Lucerne that is open to everyone.

The motto of the Health Day is "Prevention and Musical Excellence" and will provide the most comprehensive information possible on prevention and therapy services in Switzerland. High-caliber speakers will provide information on the latest developments in musician-medical research, while workshops will offer the opportunity to experience healthy music-making techniques.  A table-top exhibition with information materials provides an overview of therapy and prevention services throughout Switzerland. Experts will also be happy to answer questions about individual strategies for healthy music-making and how to increase well-being in everyday musical life. The presentations will be simultaneously translated. The members of the nationwide Swissmedmusica network will be presenting themselves at the table fair. This ensures the high quality and seriousness of the offers. 

Become a member

Interested parties who would like to present their own musician-medical offers at the Health Day table fair can apply for membership with Swissmedmusica. Interested musicians can also become members. Swissmedmusica supports everyone on the path to healthy and emotionally fulfilling music-making. Members also benefit from networking platforms for all those active in music medicine in Switzerland and internationally, an exclusive, content-rich newsletter with information on media, events and current research in music medicine, as well as discounts on specialist journals and admission to the Music Health Day.

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