Marta Walter Prize

Together with the third SMG Study Day, there will be another highlight this year: the awarding of the Marta Walter Prize.

Every two years, the Swiss Musicological Society (SMG-SSM) awards the Marta Walter Prize (formerly the Handschin Prize) for an outstanding doctoral thesis in the field of music research. The prize is named after the Swiss musicologist Marta Walter, who donated the financial basis of the prize with her legacy to the SMG. The time has now come again for excellent researchers to apply directly to the Society for the Marta Walter Prize 2024 with their doctoral thesis. The prize money amounts to CHF 3,000. Doctoral students who
have completed their doctorate between 01.01.2022 and 31.12.2023, including the defense, and meet other criteria. 

Appel à candidature pour le Prix Marta-Walter 2024
Every two years, the Société Suisse de Musicologie (SMG-SSM) awards the Prix Marta-Walter (formerly the Prix Handschin) to a remarkable doctoral thesis in the field of musical research. The prize bears the name of the Swiss musicologist Marta Walter who, through her legacy to the SSM, provided the financial support for the prize. The prize money amounts to CHF 3,000. The prize will be awarded during the SSM's third study day. The candidate(s) can apply directly to the company for the prize.  Les candidats pris en considération doivent avoir achevé leur doctorat, y compris la soutenance, entre le 01.01.2022 et le 31.12.2023, et répondre à d'autres critères. 

Bando di concorso per il Premio Marta-Walter 2024
Ogni due anni la Società Svizzera di Musicologia (SMG-SSM) assegna il Premio Marta Walter (precedentemente Premio Handschin) a una
tesi di dottorato eccellente nel campo della ricerca musicale. Il premio prende il nome dalla musicologa svizzera Marta Walter che, con un lascito alla SMG, ha garantito il contributo finanziario alla base del premio. Il premio ammonta a 3000 franchi svizzeri. The award ceremony will take place during the third day of the SMG- SSM studio. A partire dall'anno 2014 le/i candidate/i, in possesso dei requisiti previsti, potranno presentare domanda di partecipazione al concorso direttamente alla Società. 

3rd SMG Study Day
Following the successful implementation of the first  and second study days in Bern and Basel, this meeting of young Swiss researchers will take place on September 20, 2024 at the Zurich University of the Arts. The conference consists of poster presentations, lectures, cozy coffee breaks and culminates in the
Awarding of the Marta Walter Prize. The Call for Contributions is aimed at all BA, MA and doctoral students of music (science) at Swiss universities and colleges. 

SMG job advertisement
Are you looking for a new challenge? Then apply to SMG for the management of the SMG office. 

Application deadline for the Marta Walter Prize: 15.03.2024
Submission of contributions for Study Day 2024: 31.05.2024
Application SMG office: 29.02.2024

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