Fantastic DV day in Sarnen in glorious summer weather

100 delegates and guests enjoyed a varied and informative AGM day in Sarnen on June 17 in glorious weather. All items on the agenda were approved without dissenting votes.

On Saturday, June 17, around 100 people from all over Switzerland traveled to Central Switzerland to take part in the 103rd EOV Delegates' Assembly. The orchestra delegates and other guests were welcomed to Sarnen with a cheerful generational matinée. The host Sarnen Orchestra Association presented an entertaining program together with the Ensemble Vivace, the youth orchestra and the youngest Suzuki students from the Obwalden music schools.

After lunch, the short statutory part of the Delegates' Meeting, which was chaired with aplomb by Vice President Bernadette Wiederkehr, went off without a hitch. The minutes of the 2022 AGM, the President's annual report, the annual accounts with auditors' report and the 2023 budget were approved unanimously by the 78 voters from 53 orchestras. A minimal amendment to the Articles of Association, which now sets the Association's registered office as Bern and no longer makes it dependent on the President's place of residence, was also approved without discussion.

Afterwards, the delegates and guests continued their education in interesting instrument care workshops or got to know the picturesque capital of Obwalden better on an exciting tour of the village.

Conclusion with a leisurely boat trip
The delegates rounded off the eventful day with a leisurely cruise on Lake Sarnen on the "Seestern", a boat specially hired by the EOV. Over a delicious aperitif, the delegates engaged in informal conversation and enjoyed the glorious summer weather and breathtaking scenery.

We would like to sincerely thank the organizing team from the Sarnen Orchestra Association and those responsible for the AGM from the EOV Board for their great commitment and the all-round success of the event. The next AGM will take place in Chur in spring 2024. We will announce the exact date at a later date.

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