100 years of the Binningen Orchestra

Can an amateur orchestra survive for 100 years? The Binningen Orchestra, an orchestra from the Basel agglomeration, has managed it.

The Binningen orchestra celebrates its 100th anniversary and today has around 25 members. zvg


To exist as an amateur association for so many years is a challenge and requires a lot: a constant commitment of volunteers, putting together interesting musical programmes, the search for new members and soloists as well as the organization of rehearsals and association events. Many skills are needed from within the orchestra: Experts in finance, IT skills to create a homepage and graphic design skills to create concert programs and posters.

For interesting concert projects such as the performance of large symphonies, financial resources are also needed to fund newcomers and soloists. As with all amateur orchestras, creative solutions are always needed to attract sponsors and patrons. The Binningen Orchestra has managed to do all of this so far. The fact that it has even managed to give two major concerts during the coronavirus pandemic, which has put music societies to a special test, is not a matter of course.

Being open and cooperating with boys

In order to remain attractive to members and listeners over the years and in the vast sea of music associations, it is important to set special accents. For years, our specialty has been intensive collaboration with young soloists aged between ten and 25. These collaborations are beneficial for both sides: The budding professional musicians are given the opportunity to perform as soloists in an informal setting. The orchestra benefits because it can offer popular concerts.

The Binningen Orchestra also attaches great importance to being open to the outside world. In the past, it has repeatedly performed together with other music associations or choirs from the Basel region, such as "Opernklänge im Leimental" in 2015, a joint concert with a men's choir that was a great success. And there were not only regional projects. One particular highlight was a joint concert project with the Open Orchestra Arezzo from Italy in 2019, in which musicians from the Binningen orchestra took part in a concert in Arezzo and vice versa. Such projects strengthen social cohesion in particular. This plays an important role in the Binningen Orchestra and is promoted through regular aperitifs and club dinners.

The question of how the orchestra was able to survive for 100 years is not easy to answer from today's perspective, as this period spans many generations. Its foundation in 1923 was only possible because a conductor volunteered. From 1930 to 1950, there was a preference for operettas and opera concerts, which were organized in collaboration with the local choirs.

Conducted by violinist Sarah Kunigk

It is no longer possible to reconstruct what the orchestra was involved in until the turn of the millennium and how many conductors it has had since then. What is certain is that there have been repeated generational changes during this time. In 1998, on the occasion of its 75th anniversary, the orchestra received the cultural prize of the municipality of Binningen. Today, the orchestra consists of 24 young and older amateur musicians and aims to give one or two concerts a year. Sarah Kunigk has been the musical director for the past 10 years and, as a professional violinist with a wealth of concert experience, is constantly developing the orchestra.

To mark this milestone anniversary, the Binningen Orchestra will be giving a major concert on October 22, 2023 and - in keeping with its tradition - will be involved in a major joint project with other music societies. The long-term goal is to survive for at least another 100 years, against all odds.

Interested musicians are cordially invited to take part in the big anniversary concert on October 22 with romantic works by Dvorak and Mendelssohn, among others. The prerequisite for this is to take part in the weekly rehearsals from June 1, 2023 at the latest. Contact and further information at:



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