La musica antica nelle università musicali svizzere

Whether as a primary or secondary subject or through transversal modules, ancient music is widely practiced and taught in the Swiss tertiary music education system.

Early music is practiced throughout Switzerland. (Anton Bruckner University)

Whether as a primary or secondary subject or through transversal modules, ancient music is widely practiced and taught in the Swiss tertiary music education system.

Tour d'horizon de l'offre très divers en musique ancienne proposée par les hautes écoles de musique suisses.

Discipline principale 

Le premier nom qui vient vient à l'esprit lorsque le thème de la musique ancienne - pouvant être définie, au-delà des questions posées quant aux limites de la period et aux caractéristiques des œuvres musicales qu'elle englobe, as the music composed before the XVIIe siècle en l'appréhendant dans un mouvement général de conception et d'interprétation historique-ment informées - is the Schola Cantorum de Bâle. Founded by Paul Sacher in 1933, this institution has been affiliated with the Haute École de Musique de Bâle since 2008, alongside the Institut Classique et Jazz, and thus allows students to choose ancient music as their main field of study.

In Geneva, too, an entire department is dedicated to this musical practice and allows students to complete a Bachelor's and/or Master's degree in this field. À l'instar de la Schola Cantorum, les disciplines principales enseignées sont le chant historique, le clavecin, le clavicorde, le forte-piano, le maestro al cem-balo, le luth, le violon baroque, le violoncelle baroque, la viole de gambe, la flûte à bec, le traverso, le hautbois baroque, le basson baroque, le cornet à bouquin, le sacqueboute et la musique médiévale. 

These two centers of expertise in ancient music also house collections of instruments and allow students enrolled in other training courses to benefit from the transversal range of these departments, particularly through open modules or optional courses. 

Discipline secondaire 

Pour se former en Suisse au level de la discipline secondaire, la Zürcher Hochschule der Künste propose une Minor in early music. Intitulée Historical performance practice, celle-ci permet d'approfondir les principes fondamentaux de la musique ancienne sur des instruments historiques issus de la branche principale.
Aspects such as articulation, phrasing and ornamentation play a role just as important as stylistic differentiation by period and region, as well as ensemble playing. This minor also exists in a specialized form: Advanced historical performance practice.

Modules transversaux 

Finally, all the higher music education institutions in different countries present an interdisciplinary approach to traditional music in their curricula. This may be in the form of partnerships with museums (such as the Bern University of the Arts - Music with the Sounding Museum or the Zurich University of the Arts with the Museum of Design) or through open modules, passerelles and optional courses (such as at the Haute École de Musique de Genève-Neuchâtel, at the Haute École de Musique Vaud - Valais - Fribourg, at the Hochschule für MusikBasel, at the Hochschule Luzern - Musik, at Kalaidos or at the Conservatorio della Svizerra Italiana).

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