Youth orchestra: Register now for the SJMF2023

Show your passion at the Swiss Youth Music Festival (SJMF) from September 15 to 17, 2023 in St. Gallen: Register your orchestra now and the EOV will cover 20 percent of the participation fees!

Miriam Schild - From September 15 to 17, 2023, the next Swiss Youth Music Festival (SJMF2023) will take place in St. Gallen under the motto "Real Passion". More than 5,000 young musicians and their formations will showcase their quality and dedication to music throughout Switzerland on the OLMA grounds. The festival is organized by the Youth Music Association, the Swiss Federal Orchestra Association EOV, and the Swiss Drum and Pipe Association. At the Swiss Youth Music Festival #burgdorf19 three years ago, "our" string and symphony orchestras took part for the first time alongside brass bands and tambourines. The Orchestra Giovanile della Svizzera Italiana (OGSI), the Schyz Youth Orchestra and the Solothurn Regional Youth Symphony Orchestra seized the opportunity and were pioneers in our field.

Which youth orchestra wants to present itself on the big stage?

We are now once again looking for the most passionate youth symphony orchestras and youth string orchestras to represent the EOV and "classical" orchestral music at the upcoming SJMF in St. Gallen. Do you want to present your orchestra to the whole of music-loving Switzerland on a big stage? Then register for the SJMF today and the EOV will give you a financial boost for your participation! We will cover 20 percent of the participation fees for the first ten EOV youth orchestras that officially register for the SJMF2023 in St. Gallen. Details will be announced after registration. EOV membership is a prerequisite.

In addition, all participating EOV orchestras will be presented in the Schweizer Musikzeitung (SMZ), in the EOV Newsletter and at the EOV Delegates' Assembly. The entire EOV Board will be on site in St. Gallen to support "its" youth orchestras.

Actively participating in the SJMF2023 with a 30-minute performance on one of the large festival stages and attending concerts by countless other formations, workshops and huge after-parties will be an unforgettable experience for everyone. Take advantage of this unique platform for your orchestra to compete fairly at Switzerland's largest youth music festival and celebrate a glittering party with thousands of young people.

Three participation categories

The youth symphony orchestras and youth string orchestras can participate in the following categories:

Category 1A) Competition with classification for children's orchestras up to 16 years of age

Category 1B) Competition with classification for youth orchestras up to 23 years of age

Category 2) Free audition without classification with jury discussion

You can find the detailed announcement and the festival regulations including an addendum for our symphony and string orchestras with all information on age regulations and costs on the SJMF website. Register here for the largest Swiss youth music festival in St. Gallen by the end of January 2023:

We will be happy to provide you with further information and answer your questions at any time:

Johannes Reinhard, President EOV:, 079 212 87 58

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