Adjustment of the SMV minimum rates for freelance musicians in line with inflation

As of 1.9.2022, the SMV tariffs will be increased by 5.8% to compensate for the accumulated inflation.

The following excerpt from the tariff regulations contains only a selection of the new tariffs; for the correct calculation, the complete SMV tariff regulations and/or the tariff calculator must be used (both available on

For case-by-case obligations in orchestras that are members of, the collective agreement applies, which has also been adjusted for inflation (available at

1. orchestra tariffs, valid from 1.9.2022

Extract from the tariff regulations A, B and C (live performance/recordings orchestra)
The following provisions, which are binding for the entire territory of Switzerland, apply to the remuneration of services provided by musicians in the orchestra on a case-by-case basis, whereby these are minimum rates.

- Rehearsal up to a maximum duration of 3 hours : CHF 185.00
- Performance up to a maximum duration of 3 hours: CHF 215.00
- Pre-rehearsal: Rehearsal taking place immediately before the performance, provided that the duration of the rehearsal and performance together, including a half-hour rest period between rehearsal and performance, does not exceed 3 hours. Otherwise it is considered an independent rehearsal. CHF 78.00
- Overtime: Rehearsals, with the exception of main and dress rehearsals for stage works and oratorios, may not last longer than 3 hours. Overtime during performances and rehearsals shall be compensated at a rate of CHF 23.00
- Allowances: Principals of string groups, first winds, solo timpani and harps as well as secondary instruments, provided they are used in addition to the main instrument, are entitled to an allowance per service of CHF 32.00
- Away expenses: Fixed compensation for every away commitment : CHF 62.00
- Away duty with two meals away from home or two away duties per day : CHF 93.00
- Sound recording session up to 3 hours : CHF 237.00
- For each additional quarter of an hour started : CHF 32.00
- For the compensation of the first exploitation rights additionally per exploited minute : CHF 3.20
- Sound image recording session up to 3 hours : CHF 275.00
- For each additional quarter of an hour started : CHF 39.00
- For the compensation of the first exploitation rights additionally per exploited minute : CHF 5.30

2. chamber music/ensemble tariffs, valid from 1.9.2022

Extract from the AK tariff regulations (live performance chamber music)
Chamber music performances are performances with fewer than 13 musicians (ensembles of any musical style); rehearsals are included in the performance fees.

- Performance up to a maximum duration of 2 hours: CHF 741.00
- Repetition of the same program with the same employer/organizer : CHF 529.00
- Overtime per quarter of an hour started : CHF 23.00
- Travel time compensation/expenses according to tariff scale A

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