Corona crisis: support for SUISA members

SUISA is offering its members support to bridge the shortfall in income from copyright remuneration caused by the loss of music usage due to the coronavirus.

Canceled concerts, closed stores and cinemas, reduced advertising on TV and radio - all of these consequences of the measures imposed to combat the spread of the coronavirus pandemic have had and continue to have a direct impact on income from the exploitation of copyrights: If music is not used, copyright compensation is also lost.

SUISA offers its members support in order to financially bridge the loss of copyright remuneration:

Withdrawal of advances

First and foremost, SUISA members have always had the option of receiving an advance payment. It is possible for both authors and publishers to receive an advance payment. The amount of the advance is calculated on the basis of the member's average income over the last few years. Advances are only paid out if the member has received an average of more than CHF 500 in copyright remuneration in recent years. Advances can be applied for by e-mail. Applications will be reviewed within seven days. You will be informed of the decision in writing by e-mail. If the application meets the necessary requirements, the advance will be paid immediately by bank transfer.

Normally, an advance is offset against the next statement that the member receives. This means that the amount received is deducted from the amount to be distributed. As an immediate measure against the exceptional situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the SUISA Board has decided to suspend the offsetting of advances at least until June 2021. The Board of Directors and management are closely monitoring the further course of the crisis situation in order to postpone the settlement date even further if necessary in line with economic developments. Either way, advances received will therefore have to be repaid next year from June 2021 at the earliest.

Support payments to members

If an advance payment is not sufficient and a SUISA member finds himself in an existential financial emergency due to the loss of copyright remuneration, he can apply for support payments from SUISA. For authors, funds from SUISA's welfare foundation are available for emergencies. In addition, the Board of Directors decided in spring to set up an additional relief fund as a further emergency measure, from which support payments can be made to both authors and publishers. The relief fund was approved by a large majority at the Annual General Meeting in June, which was held this year by postal vote.

As an exploiter of copyrights, SUISA provides support for the loss of copyright royalties. It is to be understood as a supplement to other federal or cantonal support measures. SUISA's funds for support payments are limited and only SUISA members can apply for support from SUISA.

The applicant must provide proof of financial need. Applications for support payments can be submitted via the "My account" member portal. The documents submitted will be reviewed within seven days. You will be informed of the decision in writing by e-mail. Payment is made by bank transfer immediately after the application has been approved. The support payments do not have to be repaid.

This article was first published on June 9, 2020 on as well as in the News for SUISA members, SUISAinfo 2.20, June 2020.


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