Research portal on the Bach dynasty
Over a period of 25 years, all available archival sources on the entire Bach family of musicians are to be digitally indexed and made publicly accessible for the first time.

The project of the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig, based at the Bach Archive in Leipzig, is part of the Academies' Program, which is currently the largest long-term research program in the humanities and cultural sciences in the Federal Republic of Germany, funded by the federal and state governments and coordinated by the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities.
Now that all compositions by members of the Bach family of musicians have been catalogued as part of the third-party-funded Bach-Repertorium project between the Leipzig Bach Archive and the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Peter Wollny, Director of the Leipzig Bach Archive and project manager of the future Academy project, says that the focus will be on exploring, securing and evaluating the archival evidence.
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