Cultural use in the pandemic

Cultural participation during the coronavirus crisis continues to reveal social inequalities. According to a study by the University of Mainz, the highly educated core audience of cultural institutions is also the most active in terms of media use.

Picture: Vector Story/,SMPV

The coronavirus pandemic has had an impact on all areas of life. In addition to gastronomy, culture was the area that was very quickly affected by restrictions and performance bans as it was supposedly "not systemically relevant" and was only reopened with restrictions quite late.

The panel study "Cultural Education and Cultural Participation in Germany", which is being conducted at the Institute of Sociology at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU), shows just how significant the slump is. Compared to the reference year 2018, many cultural activities outside the home have come to an almost complete standstill and have not been compensated for by the expansion of private activities or the use of alternative media access.

However, there is a social difference: those with a particularly high affinity for culture, the frequent visitors in 2018, also made the most use of the media offerings, while occasional users withdrew culturally to a great extent during the pandemic.

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