Rico Gubler moves to Bern

According to a statement from the University of Music Lübeck, Rico Gubler will hand over his duties at the University of Music at the end of July in order to take over as Head of the Department of Music at the Bern University of the Arts (successor Graziella Contratto) from February 2023.

Rico Gubler. Photo: Lutz Roessler

The saxophonist, composer and trained lawyer has headed the Lübeck University of Music since March 2014. As the press office there announced yesterday, during his time in office Gubler has further developed the Lübeck University of Music through many measures, sat on national and international committees (e.g. since 2020 on the Council of the Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen) and taught an international saxophone class.

Until he takes up his post in Bern in February 2023, the Department of Music at Bern University of the Arts will be headed by Peter Kraut on an interim basis, following Graziella Contratto's departure at the end of January 2022.

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