ZHdK with institutional accreditation
The Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) has become the first art academy in Switzerland to receive independent institutional accreditation, according to its own press release. The federal government uses this procedure to review the quality assurance of Swiss universities.

The report gives the ZHdK a very good report card and attests to its comprehensive, complex and coherent quality assurance system, the university continues.
The basis for the accreditation decision was a self-evaluation report by the ZHdK and an on-site visit by external experts. In their assessment, the experts described "a quality assurance system with clear structures and responsibilities that promotes the high motivation of university members". The high level of commitment of university members is a great strength of the ZHdK. Overall, the ZHdK presents itself as an innovative, dynamic university that "focuses on sustainability and diversity."
The expert group sees room for development with regard to the interaction of the many quality assurance instruments and in particular in the area of teaching evaluation. The ZHdK is required to draw up regulations on teaching evaluation within 24 months.
With its institutional accreditation, the ZHdK fulfills the requirements of the Higher Education Funding and Coordination Act. This stipulates that universities must obtain institutional accreditation by the end of 2022 in order to continue to call themselves a university, university of applied sciences or university of teacher education. Accreditation is also a prerequisite for being recognized as eligible for funding and gaining access to federal funds. It is valid for a period of seven years and must be renewed in 2028.