Materials on Liszt online

The aim of a long-term project led by Christiane Wiesenfeldt at Heidelberg University, among others, is to record all sources and works by the composer Franz Liszt in a digital directory and make them freely available online.

Franz Liszt 1839. picture (detail): Henri Lehmann (1814-1882), Musée Carnavalet Paris, WikiCom.,SMPV

As the researcher from the Department of Musicology at the University of Heidelberg emphasizes, this is intended to close a central gap in music research on the 19th century. The Saxon State and University Library in Dresden and the Goethe and Schiller Archive in Weimar are involved in the project. The DFG is funding the project for a maximum of twelve years. The first project phase has now been approved with funding of 1.2 million euros.

The digital Liszt portal is being developed jointly at the three project locations Heidelberg, Dresden and Weimar. The aim is to make the composer's works and their versions visible and researchable. The researchers involved are also planning to visualize the often complex contexts of the works.

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