Federal Council meets at the conservatory
The Federal Council meets once a year outside the Federal Palace. The 15th "extra muros" meeting took place on October 13, 2021 at the Department of Music of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU-M) in Lucerne-Kriens.

HSLU-M Director Valentin Gloor welcomed the members of the Federal Council. He led the committee to three short concerts by students and lecturers. Despite the special security precautions and the media hype, university operations were not affected. According to Valentin Gloor, this smooth process was only possible thanks to the great commitment of the staff and students involved, and the Federal Councillor hosted a public aperitif at the Museum of Transport in Lucerne after the visit to the Department of Music.
According to the official HSLU press release, the idea for the "extra muros" session in Lucerne came from Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga. She graduated as a concert pianist in 1983 from one of the Department of Music's predecessor institutions, the former conservatory.