Earworms support memory processes

Earworms can be annoying. However, the phenomenon indicates that music plays a role in consolidating episodic memories. It helps to activate the corresponding memory processes.

SMZ archive image. Photo : Ezume Images/stock.adobe.com,SMPV

Autobiographical memories can be closely linked to music. However, the mechanisms by which associations between music and non-musical knowledge are initially formed and consolidated in long-term memory are not yet fully understood. In experiments, a Californian research team has investigated the connection between earworms and memories evoked by music.

The experiments indicate that the recall of musical fragments serves as a consolidation mechanism for both the music and the associated episodic information.

Original article:
Kubit, B. M., & Janata, P. (2021). Spontaneous mental replay of music improves memory for incidentally associated event knowledge. Journal of Experimental Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1037/xge0001050

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