Neuronal mechanisms of music learning
The Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics is expanding its spectrum: under the direction of Fredrik Ullén, the Department of Cognitive Neuropsychology is researching the neuronal mechanisms underlying the acquisition of musical skills and creativity.

The Swedish pianist and cognitive scientist has accepted the call to the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics on April 1, 2021. As Director of the new department, he will initially direct the research there on a part-time basis, then full-time from September 2021.
Ullén's interests include the connections between cultural engagement, mental well-being and health, as well as the complex interaction between genetic preconditions and environmental factors in musical expertise.
Fredrik Ullén was born on April 13, 1968 in Västerås, Sweden. He received his doctorate from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm in 1996. He was appointed Associate Professor there in 2006 and Full Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience in 2010.
In addition to his academic career, Fredrik Ullén is an internationally recognized concert pianist. He completed his piano studies at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm in 1993. His discography currently comprises 25 titles, including complete recordings of György Ligeti's piano works and Sorabji's "Transcendental Studies", one of the greatest cycles ever written for piano solo.