"Music in times of crisis"
For the first new edition of the digital Swiss Yearbook of Musicology, the editorial team is calling for proposals for contributions focusing on "Music in times of crisis" as well as mini-articles on current Swiss research projects outside the main topic.

"Times and situations of crisis are essential human, social, scientific and artistic experiences. Although they are exceptional situations, they are nevertheless permanently present, not only in areas that are constantly plagued by hunger, war and disease, but also in affluent societies. Crises manifest themselves in a wide variety of forms and are perceived and processed in different ways.
In view of the fundamental nature of crises, it is only logical to ask about their relationship to music. The fundamental social conditionality of the two phenomena of music and crisis already allows the assertion that music and crisis have a complex reciprocal relationship. (...)
Contribution proposals with a maximum length of 300 words (in German, Italian, French, Romansh or English) should be sent to info(at)smg-ssm.ch by March 1, 2021. Feedback with the decision on acceptance is expected at the beginning of April 2021, the submission of the finished contributions is requested by July 15, 2021."
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