First overall assessment of "Youth and Music"

Since 2017, the Federal Office of Culture (FOC) has provided financial support for music courses and camps as part of the "Youth and Music" (Y+M) program. A total of 907 Y+M camps and 544 Y+M courses have been held since the start of the program until the end of June 2020.

Symbolic image: ©Kalle Kolodziej -,SMPV

The number of participants per year is steadily increasing, writes the BAK. In 2019, the number of applications more than doubled compared to 2017. This can be seen in the report on the 2016-2020 funding period published by the BAK.

In total, over 46,000 children and young people across Switzerland have taken part in Y+M programs to date. As of June 2020, around 17,000 children and young people were registered for Y+M courses and camps (2017: around 8,700; 2018: around 15,500; 2019: almost 21,000). At the end of June 2020, the program had 1,036 certified Y+M leaders.

Since the launch of Y+M, the federal government has invested around CHF 7.5 million in the program. Around CHF 5 million of this was spent on supporting Y+M courses and Y+M camps, and around CHF 500,000 on contributions to the training and further education of Y+M leaders. Since 2019, the Principality of Liechtenstein has also been participating in the Y+M program on the basis of an intergovernmental agreement concluded in May 2018.

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