Online encyclopedia of musicals

The Center for Popular Culture and Music (ZPKM) at the University of Freiburg has published an online encyclopaedia. It describes all works of popular music theater that were performed for the first time in German-speaking countries between 1945 and the present day.

(Image: Screenshot Musicalllexikon),SMPV

The musical has been the most successful genre of popular musical theater since the 1980s - in terms of audience numbers, sales and public response. However, the genre is not only important as part of the international entertainment industry, but has also developed artistically into a form of musical theater that can hold its own aesthetically alongside traditional opera or operetta and also deals with current social conflicts.

The new online service is aimed at all interested parties: from fans and theatergoers to journalists and academics from various disciplines.

The online service is based on the holdings of the German Musical Archive, which is based at the ZPKM. Anyone interested can use the encyclopedia free of charge and without registration. The archive was founded in 2010 and has been under state preservation order since 2013.

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