Music in times of Corona

An international research project is investigating the effects of the coronavirus crisis on our musical behavior.

Photo: Fixelgraphy on Unsplash (see below),SMPV

April 20 marked the start of the online survey for the international research project "Music Use in the Time of Corona". Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann, Lauren Fink (both Frankfurt a.M.), Niels Chr. Hansen (Aarhus), Lindsay Warrenburg (Boston), Claire Howlin (Dublin) and Will Randall (Jyväskylä) want to document and evaluate the global developments.

Inspired by videos with hashtags such as #coronasongs, #quarantunes or #covidance, which are currently going viral, the researchers designed an online study that asks about personal music-making and listening to music before and during the crisis. In detail, the study looks at the technical formats used to listen to music, forms of making music alone and with others, situations in which people listen to music, as well as the reasons and motivations for listening to and making music.

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