Sommerhalder replaces Würsch at HKB

Giuliano Sommerhalder is the new lecturer for classical trumpet at Bern University of the Arts (HKB). The Swiss trumpeter and soloist succeeds Markus Würsch.

Giuliano Sommerhalder (Image: zvg)

Born into a musical family, Giuliano Sommerhalder studied in Italy and with his father in Detmold. He has received numerous awards at international competitions. In 2008, he was accepted into the BBC New Generation Artists Scheme.

Giuliano Sommerhalder has performed worldwide as a soloist on both modern and historical instruments: In the Vienna Musikvereinssaal, in the Berlin Philharmonie, in the Wigmore Hall and in other European and American venues. After solo positions in Leipzig (Gewandhaus Orchestra under Riccardo Chailly) and Amsterdam (Concertgebouw with Mariss Jansons), Giuliano Sommerhalder is now principal trumpet in Rotterdam under the direction of Yannick Nézet-Séguin and, since this season, under Lahav Shani.

DECCA, harmonia mundi and NEOS have released several recordings of his solo trumpet repertoire ranging from baroque to contemporary music. Giuliano Sommerhalder already has numerous international teaching experiences, including in Detmold, Rotterdam and Rome, and regularly gives masterclasses throughout Europe, Asia, North and South America.

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