Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts receives accreditation
The Swiss Accreditation Council (SAR) has granted institutional accreditation to the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. This confirms its ability to ensure and further develop quality in education, continuing education, research and services.

The accreditation is valid for seven years and is subject to conditions that also represent areas of development for internal quality assurance. The path to institutional accreditation took around two years. The procedure was carried out by the Swiss Agency for Accreditation and Quality Assurance AAQ.
Following a comprehensive self-assessment process, a team of experts visited the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in March 2019 and conducted interviews with employees, students, external partners and members of the top management bodies. A total of around 100 people were involved in the interviews.
In their report, the experts gave the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts a good report and, according to the official press release, "particularly emphasized the culture of quality and dialogue". Michael Eidenbenz (Head of the Department of Music at the Zurich University of the Arts) was the assessor for the music department.