308 new music students
Of the 711 first-year students at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), 308 enrolled on a Bachelor's or Master's degree course in music.

The 711 students will begin their studies at the ZHdK on Monday, September 16. In addition to the music students, there are 110 enrolled in design, 91 in art and media, 112 in art education and transdisciplinarity and 90 in performing arts and film.
A total of 2,245 people are studying at Zurich University of the Arts. Of these, 1,300 are studying one of the eight Bachelor's degree courses and 945 one of the eleven Master's degree courses. The number of students has remained constant compared to recent years. A numerus clausus applies at the ZHdK; prospective students undergo a strict admission procedure beforehand.