Survey on music in elementary school

In 2017/18, the Swiss School Music Association VSSM launched a survey of all cantonal education authorities on the subject of music in elementary school. The results are now available.

Photo: Gerardo Madeo/,SMPV

The survey focused on the timetable for cycles 1,2,3 following the introduction of Curriculum 21, the music training of primary school teachers at teacher training colleges and the implementation of Article 67a of the Constitution on music education. The survey contained six specific questions, including ensuring music lessons at elementary school, cost-cutting measures and the topic of jugend+musik.

The VSSM has declared its position on all questions in the survey; for example, it is calling for music to be or become a compulsory subject in primary school education. The survey reflects the current status of music education in the cantons' elementary school and shows that although the federal article Art. 67a is on its way, it is still far from being implemented in line with the requirements.

The entire survey is available at available.

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