Neuchâtel closes Geneva music academy branch

The Neuchâtel State Council confirms the date for the closure of the Neuchâtel branch of the Haute école de musique de Genève (HEM-NE) in 2021. The Conservatoire de musique neuchâtelois, which will remain in the canton, is not affected by the closure decision.


The decision to close the school was made despite a petition for a referendum entitled "For the preservation of professional music education in the canton of Neuchâtel" and is supported by the canton's Grand Council. The initiative, which still has to be decided on, writes the canton, does not demand that any future vocational training must take place within the existing structures. 

The closure of the HEM-NE has no impact on the canton's conservatory, writes the State Council. It will continue to take on the task of preparing any professional music students for their training. 

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