Sisera teaches at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
The Institute for Jazz and Folk Music at the Lucerne School of Music is welcoming another new lecturer at the start of the 2018/2019 academic year: Dario Sisera will be teaching jazz in the areas of body & rhythm and percussion.

Born in 1978, Dario Sisera graduated from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts with a degree in performance jazz in 2007. He plays together with his older brother, bassist Luca Sisera, and guitarist Franz Hellmüller (both also graduates of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts) and saxophonist Carles Peris from Barcelona in the formation "Radar Suzuki".
Dario Sisera has been involved in various music productions (including Where's Africa, Bahur Ghazi's Palmyra) and has been teaching percussion and drums at various Swiss music schools since 2007, including the Neuenkirch Music School (Lucerne) and the Domat/Ems Music School (Graubünden). In 2004, Sisera received a grant from the Axelle and Max Koch Cultural Foundation and in 2008 the Cultural Promotion Prize of the Canton of Graubünden.
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