Forming opinions with the help of songs

At the University of Basel, Jan-Friedrich Missfelder is researching how songs and song pamphlets contributed to the formation of opinion and early modern historical consciousness. He is now supported by a professorship from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).

Detail from a song leaflet from 1664 (without location). Caption see below.,SMPV

Jan-Friedrich Missfelder obtained his doctorate in 2008 at the Humboldt University of Berlin and has been a senior assistant at the University of Zurich since 2017. He will carry out his research project on the voice as a medium of communication in early modern society at the Department of History at the University of Basel from January 1, 2019. The project will analyze how songs and song pamphlets contributed to the formation of opinion and contemporary historical consciousness.

The University of Basel has been awarded five of the 39 new professorships granted by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) this year. They enable highly qualified young researchers to set up their own group and carry out an independent research project. As a result, the University will receive around 7.4 million francs in third-party funding.


Denckwürdiges Traurgesang/ über den ietzigen Comet : Welcher gesehen wird diß Außlauffenden 1664. Jahrs im anfang deß Christmonat. [without place] : [without printer], 1664. Zentralbibliothek Zürich, NE 2211,5, / Public Domain Mark

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