Unique orchestra academy in Germany
The Lübeck University of Music, presided over by Swiss saxophonist Rico Gubler, has developed an orchestra academy together with Theater Lübeck as a cooperation model that is new to Germany.

The new Lübeck Orchestra Academy was launched in fall 2017. Its special feature is the cooperation between the two institutions, which jointly supervise the students, while other orchestra academies are usually only affiliated with the professional orchestra.
Combining this with training at a music academy in the form of a three-stage model is unique in Germany. The first academy students have been performing in the theater's concerts and operas since September. The aim is to better dovetail training and career, which is becoming increasingly intensive. For each stage, students have to overcome the hurdle of an audition.
Around 40 young musicians presented themselves to the selection panel and 20 of them have been accepted into the Orchestra Academy so far. The project, in which the students receive a flat fee for their work, is financed by both institutions with the support of the Possehl Foundation Lübeck.
Orchestras can make their selection from among the best students at internationally renowned music academies. Depending on the instrument, around 60 to 100 young musicians apply for an orchestral position with the Lübeck Philharmonic Orchestra. An excellent command of the instrument and great musical flexibility are expected. The young musicians are expected to integrate and develop a comprehensive repertoire for the start of their careers.
Academy members of the new Lübeck Orchestra Academy (from left to right): Caroline Spengler (viola), Holger Roese (percussion), Julia Puls (clarinet), Caroline Lüer (violin). Picture: Christine Rudolf