New lecturers at the Lucerne School of Music

The Lucerne School of Music has announced five new additions to its teaching staff. These are the jazz guitarists Kalle Kalima and Jesse Van Ruller, the singer Judith Schmid, the tuba player Roland Szentpali and the bassoonist Michael von Schönermark.

Kalle Kalima (Photo: Maarit Kytöharju)

The Institute for Jazz and Folk Music at the Lucerne School of Music is losing a long-standing, charismatic jazz guitar lecturer due to the retirement of Christy Doran. Two worthy successors have been found in Kalle Kalima and Jesse Van Ruller. Kalle Kalima will be teaching jazz guitar as a main subject lecturer at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts from the fall semester 2017/18. The Finn, born in 1973, whose music combines elements of jazz and rock, is one of the most interesting representatives of the European jazz scene.

Jesse Van Ruller (born 1972) will also start as a lecturer in jazz guitar at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in fall 2017. The Dutch jazz guitarist and composer completed his studies at the conservatory in Hilversum and was the first European to win the Thelonious Monk Competition in Washington, D.C. 

The Lucerne School of Music's Department of Classical and Sacred Music welcomes the following new lecturers: The mezzo-soprano Judith Schmid is a long-standing member of the Zurich Opera House ensemble, and the Hungarian Roland Szentpali is one of the most sought-after tuba soloists in the world. Szentpali has won seven international tuba and brass competitions and prizes in other competitions.

Michael von Schönermark became solo bassoonist with the Konzerthausorchester Berlin at the age of 22. He was awarded the special prize of the Theodor Rogler Foundation at the ARD International Music Competition in Munich and is the winner of the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival Sponsorship Award.

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