Basel Music Academy on the eve of its anniversary year

An intensive school and academic year has begun on the campus of the Basel Music Academy with school and study operations, extensive renovation work and preparations for the 150th anniversary.

The Basel Music Academy before the renovation work on the Great Hall (photo Eleni Kougionis)

Over the next few months, the music school's percussion teachers will be working on a program for 100 percussion instruments, played by pupils and teachers from the music school. A music theater will be composed for the children's and youth choirs and performed at the Ziegelhof brewery in Liestal.

Among the many works commissioned for the anniversary year, there will also be a new work by Rudolf Kelterborn, which will be premiered by the FHNW Academy of Music Orchestra: "Musica Profana". An exhibition is being prepared for the Vera Oeri Library, which will highlight parallels in the development of the Music Academy and contemporary history.

The Academy's large concert hall, which is currently undergoing extensive renovations, should be ready to perform again by summer 2017. The anniversary will be celebrated on September 23, 2017.

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