More culture for Freiburg's schools
The Directorate for Education, Culture and Sport (EKSD) of the Canton of Fribourg has presented a new cultural education program for pupils in compulsory schools.

According to the canton's press release, the program strengthens existing offers and at the same time introduces a new concept for cultural education in schools. The Culture & School program offers all pupils the opportunity to take part in a professional cultural event at a reduced rate during the school year.
A website is to serve as a showcase for cultural offerings and as a platform for exchange between schools and cultural organizers. To this end, the canton has launched a call for projects.
With an annual budget of around one million francs (around 6 million over a period of 5 years), the program is co-financed by the state and supported by three external partners: The Fribourg Cantonal Bank participates by supporting the FKB Culture & School Festival, Loterie Romande continues the financial aid it has been providing for several years for cultural activities for young people, and Fribourg's public transport company covers transportation costs.