Leipzig musicologists join forces

Leipzig University and the Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy University of Music and Theatre (HMT) will work together in the field of musicology.

From left to right: Beate Schücking, Skadi Jennicke and Martin Kürschner (see below). Photo: Swen Reichold,SMPV

Both universities will link their courses and resources from the 2016/17 winter semester. In this context, the denominations of the professorships "Sociology and Philosophy of Music" and "Music History 19th to 21st Century", which will be advertised shortly, have already been coordinated. The aim is to merge the two institutes into a Leipzig Center for Musicology that is jointly supported by both cooperation partners.

From the coming winter semester, the musicology courses will be offered jointly by both universities. Students will be enrolled at the cooperation partner at which the corresponding degree program was established. In addition, musicology students will be enrolled for a second semester at the other cooperation partner.

Teaching staff are given affiliate status with the respective cooperation partner. Students of musicology subjects have access to subject-related events at the other university, such as internships, student symposia and language courses. There are plans to introduce a joint Master's degree course with variable specializations in the 2018/19 winter semester.

Photo from left to right: University Rector Beate Schücking, Mayor of Culture Skadi Jennicke and HMT Rector Martin Kürschner


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