European School Music Prize announced again

The German trade association of the musical instrument and music equipment industry (SOMM - Society Of Music Merchants e. V.) is awarding the European School Music Prize (ESP) for the seventh time in a row.

Presentation of the European School Music Prize 2015 at the Frankfurt Music Fair. Photo: zvg,SMPV

For the European School Music Prize, teachers at schools in German-speaking countries and German schools in other European countries are invited to record their innovative methods and projects from instrumental music lessons for the 2016/17 school year in a five-minute video in a process-oriented and comprehensible way.

The prize is awarded in six categories: Musical work in class lessons (grades 1-4, 5-12 and special school) and Musical work in study groups (grades 1-4, 5-12 and special school); special prizes may be awarded. The prize for 2017 is endowed with a total of 21,000 euros.

All submissions are available at to register. The regulations and conditions of participation can be viewed online.

Incidentally, the European School Music Prize was not awarded in 2016. According to the SOMM, the reasons for this were "insufficiently innovative methods and/or insufficiently documented methodological work with pupils".

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