How hearing influences vision
How does hearing influence seeing - and vice versa? The Berlin-based State Institute for Music Research is launching a series of experiments on audiovisual perception.
Do we hear the same music differently in the Berlin Philharmonie than in the Leipzig Gewandhaus? Does seeing influence hearing - and vice versa? The State Institute for Music Research has set up a virtual concert hall to measure the sensations of hearing and seeing music in different environments.
In addition, a homepage with an interactive map goes online, on which Berlin concert life between 1880 and 1945 can be traced.
The Berlin State Institute for Music Research (SIM) is a musicological research institution. Its main areas of research are historically oriented music theory, instrumentology and musicological bibliography. The SIM also includes a musical instrument museum with a forum for events - from scientific symposia to discussion concerts with early music on historical instruments from the collection to interactive sound installations.
SIM is also in the early stages of a project entitled "Music Theory in the 20th Century", a presentation of the music theory of the last century, which is primarily related to Western art music. The project is headed by Felix Wörner (University of Basel) and Simone Hohmaier (State Institute for Music Research), who will be responsible for editing the multi-volume publication. Through the collaboration of numerous experts from Switzerland and abroad, the project is intended to contribute to sustainable international exchange within the discipline.
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Entrance to the Berlin Musical Instrument Museum, which is part of the State Institute for Music Research.