Center for Exile Music at the Vienna University of Music

The University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna has decided to establish a Center for Exile Music. The aim is to provide an academic and artistic examination of musical personalities who were expelled, ostracized and murdered by the National Socialists.

Fritz Kreisler. Image: George Grantham Bain collection/Library of Congress, SMPV

The association, which has been in existence for ten years, has already demonstrated ways of bringing this topic to the public in concerts, seminars, workshops and international collaborations in the past. The director of the center is Gerold Gruber, his deputy Michael Haas.

The mdw's Center will be open to domestic and foreign students, artists and scholars to view materials - often in the original - and evaluate them for their research. At the same time, the center is also aimed at publishers, concert organizers, ensembles and opera houses in order to "bring the archived musical sources to life".

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