Clarinet Didactics is online!
"Clarinet Didactics" is online! On a Wikipedia platform, it represents a contemporary combination of historical and current knowledge on clarinet didactics.
Clarinet Didactics" is aimed at students and teachers at all levels and addresses the most important issues in the field of performance and music education. It conveys proven and innovative, yet different teaching and learning concepts from leading music educators, from historical sources to selected contemporary textbooks. Interviews with renowned musicians from professional orchestras and music academies round off the contributions.
"Clarinet Didactics" was launched in 2013 as a project of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and is available to the entire community for further development and as a basis for discussion.
The HSLU Music Library has added "Clarinet Didactics" to the database information system DBIS. DBIS is a reference tool for scientific databases run cooperatively by numerous libraries, see: