Culture continues in Thurgau schools

The Thurgau cantonal government has once again approved a lottery fund contribution of CHF 100,000 per year for the "Culture and School Thurgau" project for the period from 2016 to 2018.

Musician Enrico Lenzin offers "drumming with children" on the platform. Photo: zvg,SMPV

According to the canton's press release, the project essentially consists of two sub-areas. On the one hand, the intercantonal platform for cultural mediation was established between 2013 and 2015 together with the cantons of St. Gallen and Appenzell Ausserrhoden. be built up.

Since August 2014, cultural offerings in Eastern Switzerland have been presented on this website, organized by region, sector and school level. This website, which requires a lot of support and is already well used by schools, is to be continuously adapted and expanded in line with user needs using the lottery funds.

The second part of the "Culture and School" project consists of a contact network of teachers responsible for culture in schools who are responsible for anchoring culture in their respective schools.

Both areas of the project are to be further supported and expanded in the years 2016 to 2018 with the money provided. In addition to elementary school, the focus is now also shifting to secondary schools and vocational schools. The long-term goal is to have a teacher responsible for culture at every school in the canton of Thurgau so that cultural activities have a permanent place in the curriculum.

As was the case for the project period from 2013 to 2015, Stephanie Kasper and Cornelia Spillmann will continue to be responsible for the internet platform and the network of cultural representatives for the project period from 2016 to 2018.


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