Paolo Fabbri honored with Glarean Prize

The Swiss Music Research Society (SMG) has awarded the Glarean Prize for Music Research, endowed with CHF 10,000, for the fifth time. This year's recipient is Paolo Fabbri, Professor at the University of Ferrara and Director of the Fondazione Donizetti in Bergamo (Italy).


Born in Ravenna in 1948, Paolo Fabbri is an honorary member of the American Musicological Society; in 1989 he was awarded the Dent Medal of the Royal Musical Association. His more than 200 publications deal not only with 19th century opera, but also with the works of Monteverdi and the Venetian operas of the 17th century. His most recent publications include the anthology published under his editorship Musica e società or the monograph published in 2007 Metro e canto nell'opera italiana.

Since 2007, the Glarean Prize has been awarded every two years to scholars who have distinguished themselves through an outstanding oeuvre in the field of European music historiography and whose research activities take appropriate account of issues relating to the publication and distribution of music.

The prize is financed by funds that the Basel music historian Marta Walter (1896-1961) bequeathed to the SMG in her will. This legacy
also allowed the creation of the Jacques Handschin Prize, also endowed with CHF 10,000, which aims to promote young researchers. This prize for young researchers will be awarded next year.

So far, the Glarean Prize has been awarded to Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco (Lisbon), Karol Berger (Stanford), Martin Staehelin (Göttingen) and Reinhard Strohm (Oxford).

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