German music schools regulate sheet music copying

VG Musikedition and the Association of German Music Schools (VdM) have signed a general agreement on the photocopying of sheet music in music schools with immediate effect.

Photo: brit berlin /

The agreement makes it possible for music schools in the VdM to produce copies of sheet music (and copies of song texts) to a certain extent and to use these in lessons and performances. GEMA is responsible for the administration of licensing. 

According to Ulrich Rademacher, Federal Chairman of the VdM, the contract clearly defines the basis of assessment from which the amount of remuneration is calculated. There is no need to comply with extensive documentation obligations. This means that the administration and teaching staff of music schools are not additionally burdened.

The VdM Association of German Music Schools has 16 regional associations and is the association of around 950 public music schools in Germany, where more than 1 million children, young people and adults are taught practical music-making by 38,000 specialist teachers at 4,000 locations nationwide.

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