14th Forum for School Music

From April 10 to 12, 2015, a major music education event will take place at the Muristalden Campus in Bern. 56 courses for all school levels will be offered over these three days.

Photo: Bettina Hügli, ffsm

The forum offers a wide range of workshops every two years. The topics range from movement games and dances for kindergarten and lower school to building blocks for polyphony at middle school and sound for school performances at upper and secondary school level. 40 speakers from Switzerland, Germany and Austria have been invited. Participants will put together their own individual program. In the morning, there will be joint singing sessions, which will also demonstrate how this could be done at school. On Thursday evening there will be a performance by the Pfannestil Chammer Sexdeet and on Saturday afternoon a closing event with an ad hoc choir. The forum will also provide the setting for the delegates' meeting of the Swiss Association of Secondary School Music Teachers VSG. 

The forum is initiated and supported by the fortbildungmusik.ch association.
Program and registration

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