Doubts about Suzuki's CV

His method of learning the violin is legendary. However, the Japanese teacher Shinichi Suzuki seems to have embellished his biography. Instead of being an instrumentalist who was received by celebrities and taught by well-known teachers, he appears to have been merely a self-taught musician who failed in Berlin.

Suzuki violin group in concert. Photo: Stylistic error, wikimedia commons,SMPV

The violinist Mark O Connor presents evidence on his blog that Sukzuki was not a pupil of the Berlin pedagogue Karl Klingler, as he himself states, but was rejected at the audition in Berlin. He also claims that he never obtained a doctorate, which he used. And his contacts with Albert Einstein were limited to having received an autograph from him as a seller of Suzuki violins.

Moreover, although Pablo Casals and his wife had indeed visited a Suzuki violin class in Japan, they had been "horrified" by what was presented there.

O Connor's blog post:

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