Instrumental lessons at Aargau elementary school

The canton of Aargau, which is considered a good Swiss average, has published its 2013/14 school and teaching staff statistics. They also provide information on instrumental lessons at elementary school.

Picture: olly -,SMPV

According to the canton's latest school statistics, 71,526 children and young people attend elementary school in Aargau. They have a total of 826 instrumental teachers at their disposal, who share 112 full-time equivalents. This means that, on average, one teacher has a 14% workload. In contrast, the 234 speech therapy and dyslexia specialists have an average 50% workload (116 full-time equivalents).

A breakdown by gender reveals a relatively balanced picture: 454 male instrumental teachers compared to 372 female instrumental teachers. However, the men occupy significantly more full-time equivalents (72) than the women (40). This means that, on average, they have a higher workload.

General elementary school teachers (6705 in 2013) occupy 4470 full-time equivalents, i.e. an average 66% workload. The gender ratio is clearly skewed in favor of women: 1796 male teachers compared to 4909 female teachers.

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