The singing skills of the great apes

A special exhibition "Gibbons - the singing apes" at the Anthropological Museum of the University of Zurich highlights the spectacular singing skills of great apes. They are regarded as a model for the evolutionary history of human music.

Photo: porschelegend -,SMPV

A loud howl, a throaty flute, rhythmic staccato, melodies in rising and falling pitches - the gibbons in the South East Asian jungle sing a song of the most exotic kind at dawn. The territorial morning songs of these great apes are among the most spectacular calls of all mammals.

The special exhibition at the Anthropological Museum of the University of Zurich documents the gibbons, which make up around 70 percent of the great apes with their 19 species, but are threatened with extinction worldwide.

Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 12:00 - 18:00, admission free,
Museum of Anthropology, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, Irchel site, 8057 Zurich.

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