Competence Center for Music Education at the HKB

A competence center for music education is to be established at the Bern University of the Arts (HKB). The project was presented at the Bern Music Festival.

Photo: dorioconnell, istockfoto

The "Competence Centre for Music Education and Laboratory for Music Education" at the HKB is mainly supported by Barbara Balba Weber, who has built up an infrastructure for music education for children and young people organized as an association with "Tönstör" in Bern.

The competence center is intended to be a contact point for organizers, ensembles and other interested parties who want to carry out or evaluate mediation projects.

As part of the Bern Music Festival, projects that Tönstor has carried out with various school classes in Bern were presented under the title "Totally Flipside". A documentary on the "Craft of teaching new music to children and young people" was also presented at the event and can be obtained from Barbara Balba Weber.

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