Writing about new sounds

In the winter semester 2013/14, the research department of the Basel University of Music is offering practice-oriented writing courses for young authors in the field of new music. The application deadline is September 15.

Thorben Wengert / pixelio.de

Writing about (new) music, whether journalistic or academic, is one of the few musical disciplines for which there is no training. In all media, musical discourse suffers from a lack of young writers. The continuing education program in Basel builds on the successful writing workshops held in Basel (2011) and Darmstadt (2010, 2012). The targeted promotion of young authors, who can now acquire a recognized, certified certificate of achievement for the first time, has proved particularly successful: The Certificate of Advanced Studies in Music Journalism is therefore already accessible to BA graduates.

The course will be led by music journalists Björn Gottstein (Stuttgart) and Thomas Meyer (Zurich), with guest lecturers from the fields of print, radio and new media (including Corinne Holtz, Claus Spahn, Susanne Kübler/Tages-Anzeiger, Cécile Olshausen/Radio SRF2 Kultur, Michael Kunkel/dissonance). The course is linked to performance projects at the Hochschule für Musik Basel with Péter Eötvös and Peter Maxwell Davies, among others. The first results of the course will be published in the Basellandschaftliche Zeitung (bz Basel).

Applications with a letter of motivation, text samples and/or letters of recommendation must be submitted by September 15, 2013.

Detailed information on the CAS Music Journalism can be found at here.

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