Aargau school classes experience baroque music

In the first three months of 2013, over 1700 schoolchildren in Aargau have already taken part in a concert in a special baroque setting in collaboration with the cantonal monument preservation authorities and the Capriccio baroque orchestra.

Photo: zvg,SMPV

The Capriccio Baroque Orchestra from Rheinfelden performs Bach, Lully and Rameau in around 45 minutes, embedded in a story about a peasant girl who was enchanted by the sounds of a flute in the Baroque era, and actively involves pupils in the musical works.

The children attend performances in selected churches in the Aargau, learn interesting architectural details about the baroque space and immerse themselves in the colorful music of the baroque period.

According to the Capriccio Baroque Orchestra, it will perform for over 5,000 children and young people by the end of the year. Funding for a follow-up project has already been secured: Christine Egerszegi, member of the Council of States, received the prestigious Johanna Dürmüller-Bol Young Classic Award for her commitment to the Youth and Music Initiative and donated the prize money to Capriccio.

More info: www.kulturmachtschule.ch


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