Health management for orchestras

The Corporate Health in Orchestra project, which the Lucerne School of Social Work carried out together with the Zurich Opera Orchestra, has developed a systematic occupational health management system for an orchestra.

In a first step, Monica Basler, Sarah Dupasquier and Nadine Näpfli, the university's experts, surveyed 77 members of the orchestra, the Philharmonia Zurich, to identify physical complaints and stress factors as well as criteria that are decisive for well-being at work.

The result: 18% of respondents complained of noise hypersensitivity, 14% of hearing loss, 13% of tinnitus and 10% of other hearing impairments. Other frequently mentioned physical complaints were pain in the shoulders or neck (20%) and eye problems (12%). The orchestra members also found their posture to be detrimental, partly due to poorly adjustable chairs, as well as the high temperature and inadequate lighting in the orchestra pit.

In a second step, the experts worked with the management and representatives of the orchestra to develop measures for workplace health promotion based on the results.

The Philharmonia Zurich is now taking measures in line with the suggestions of experts in occupational health management. For example, the musicians now have access to a massage service. The installation of showers is also planned. As part of a reorganization of the premises, a relaxation room is also planned for the near future. New chairs and a new desk lighting system will also be purchased.

An organizational development process has also been initiated in order to promote the exchange between the orchestra management and the orchestra, but also between the musicians, and to reduce the insecurities of the concertmaster and section leaders in performing their management functions.

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