The music student councils from all grammar schools in Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft are opposing a de facto reduction in music lessons at lower secondary level.


In a press release sent out by the Department of Education of the Canton of Basel-Stadt, the Basel-Stadt Central Music Conference opposes the new HarmoS timetables, which would mean a significant reduction in music at lower secondary level.

Music and visual arts, write those affected, would be massively devalued by the shift to the compulsory elective area. Preparation for grammar school is no longer guaranteed and Curriculum 21 is far from being fulfilled. The development is contrary to the new federal constitutional article on music education adopted by the electorate.

There will be a panel discussion on the topic on February 27, 2013, at 7:30 pm. Chaired by Christina Caprez, editor at Radio SRF2 Kultur, the discussion at Volkshaus Basel will feature Stephan Schmidt (Director of the Basel Music Academy), Martina Bernasconi (GLP member of the Grand Council), Stéphanie Cron (Cantonal Conference for School Music Basel-Landschaft), Regina Kuratle (Basel-Stadt Education Department) and Benno Graber (Basel-Landschaft Office for Primary Schools).

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