The Institute of Musicology at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz will be researching the relationship between music and youth cultures at university level for the first time in the German-speaking world.


With a few exceptions, musicology, especially in German-speaking countries, has so far hardly taken up this topic, explains Thorsten Hindrichs from the Institute of Musicology at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU).

The research project he has initiated is intended to help close this research gap. It will explore the question of how music and youth cultures relate to each other and develop approaches to explain the enormously complex and reciprocal relationship between music and youth cultures.

As a pool for future research in this field, the project will deal with various topics: Conferences are planned on the social history of jazz and German-language metal research, and sub-projects are to be set up on metal and theatricality, the youth music scene in the Rhine-Main region and so-called gray-zone music.

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